Friday, November 23, 2007

Rules of Attraction

New Rules of Attraction


Guys, when it comes to wooing a woman – avoiding the things that’ll scare her off is just as important as doing the things she likes! So here are some new rules of attraction from Rodale Publishing.

The first rule: Connect quickly! According to a study by MIT, first impressions, good or bad, are formed almost immediately. The best way to make a good impression is to find something in common right away – whether it’s your love of the Green Bay Packers or your dislike for sushi. Even though one is a negative, you’re still proving that you have something in common. The worst thing you can do when it comes to first impressions? Talk her head off. Women want three things from a first impression: Confidence, chemistry, and conversation. It’s not about a long conversation, it’s about a memorable one.

The next rule of attraction:Make your friends her friends too. So steer her over to your group and introduce her. It proves to a woman that you respect her – because you wouldn’t introduce a woman to your friends if you weren’t genuinely interested. When you do, say something like this: “Hey guys, I want you to meet Carrie. Her ears are still recovering from my karaoke.” Self-effacing humor shows you’re confident enough to laugh at yourself. The worst thing you can do: Back the woman into a corner by herself. That’ll make you seem possessive, scary and threatening.

One more rule of attraction: Compliment her on something specific and unique. According to Canadian researchers, women are most receptive to praise when it reveals one of their uncommon personality traits. So tailor your compliment to her by paying attention – try something like, “Wow, you’re a school teacher? You must be an amazingly patient person.” The worst thing you can do: Give her some cheesy compliment about the way she looks. Say, “I like your halter top” and you’ll remain just another dateless chump.

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NYC Single

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