Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ugly Men and Hot Women
Both spouses tended to behave more positively when wives were more attractive than their husbands and more negatively when husbands were more attractive than their wives," said the study by UCLA.
The study found that physical attraction for long term compatablilty was much more important to men than women.
"Physical attractiveness is not as important to women, in contrast, relative attractiveness may only affect them through its effect on their husbands," the study says.
The full article can be found at
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Pickup Artist-Season 2
The Mystery Is Back! And Looking For You! Impossible Casting Is Now Casting The Pickup Artist Season 2!
*Are You A Quirky But Likable Guy Who Has Trouble Picking Up Women?
*Are You More As A "Geek" Than A "Stud" When It Comes To Women?
*Do You Think Most Girls Are Out Of Your League?
*We're Looking For Likable & Quirky Guys Who Are Intellectual, But A
Bit Socially Stunted When It Comes To Women! You Can Be Confident In
Other Areas, Just Not When It Comes To Figuring Women Out!
*We Are Seeking Guys 21-30 Who Are One Of The Below:
1) You Are Shy/Socially Awkward With Beautiful Women
2) Manage To Say All The Wrong Things When With Women
3) You Are Intellectually Gifted But Socially Stunted!
This Is The Reality Show Of A Lifetime That Will Help You Gain
Confidence With Women & Get A Chance A Monetary Grand Prize!
Auditions This Month! To Submit, Please Email Photo And Brief
Description Of Why You Think You Should Be On The Show (Put WeekendDating-"Puartist"
In Subject Line) To
You Will Then Be Sent An Application To Be Completed Before
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What women look for in a man

What is one of the most important personality traits a woman looks for in a man?
If you ask a woman what she wants in a man or read online personal ads, you will see that many women want a man who can make them laugh. What if you lack the confidence in this area or just want to improve your skills? Can you learn to be funny?
Actually you can!
Stand-Up University starts on Tuesday, April 8th and runs for seven consecutive Tuesdays at the Brokerage Comedy Club in Bellmore.
So even if you do not want to be a stand up comedian, the skills learned can be life changing and greatly improve your self confidence..
Mention and get 10% off the registration price. Visit Stand-Up University and call Steve Lazarus at (718) 229-1151 for more details.
Ladies are more than welcome to take the class as well.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ut oh, he is married
Any advice for my friend? Let her know in the blog.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Jones Beach Concert Series
True Colors Tour
Sunday, June 1
Eric Clapton
Thursday, June 5
Saturday, June 14
James Taylor
Saturday, June 21
Doobie Brothers and Chicago
Friday,June 27
Steve Miller
Friday, July 11
Monday, July 14
The Police
w/ Elvis Costello
Monday, Aug. 4
The Police
w/ Elvis Costello
Tuesday, Aug. 5
Jethro Tull
w/ Peter Frampton
Saturday, Aug. 9
Rod Stewart
Tuesday, Aug. 19,
Financial Advice/Planning Issues for Singles
Basically, this event would start off with a little mingle followed by a guest speaker on the topic of:
A) Financial Planning for singles conducted by a certified financial planner who would discuss some issues that we should be considering regarding planning for the future
B) Eldercare session by a licensed elder care attorney. Our parents took care of us and unfortunately there comes a time when the tide turns and we need to care for them. Proper planning BEFORE a crisis is essential to keeping your family assets with you and not the government. I have had to use the services of an elder care attorney myself
Casino Gambling Night for Singles
A) Atlantic City or Foxwoods Trip. Unfortunately the cost and liability associated with getting a "singles bus" will be cost prohibitive. Therefore, I can put together a speicific date and we can all arrange for our own transportation. Another option is to meet at a specific location where the bus tours to these locations are open to the public.
B) Empire City at Yonkers Raceway. Not as large as option A, but much closer. I can put together a specific date and we can all arrange for our own transportation
C) Casino Night at a local Long Island or NYC Venue. You would NOT be playing for money, but rather for prizes. Games would include blackjack, poker, over under and more. Icebreakers would start off the night prior to the casino night.
D) Bingo FOR MONEY at a local Long Island or NYC church or temple. I think they still do these events weekly.
E) Your thoughts or other ideas?
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Use the Law of Attraction to Meet and Marry The One with Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman
You Can Win in Love!
If you want to find "The One" but have given up trying, this course is for you! Meet "Dr. Date" and learn what isn't working for you and how to develop a clear vision for success. Learn an "inside-out" approach to dating that will help you grow as a person and pick the partner who is right for you.
In this class you'll learn:
*The essentials of who you are & what you create in your life
*Your unconscious blueprint of relationships
*Your dating style (you'll take a quiz)
*"Your type" - the partner that you pick again and again
*Your important relationship requirements
*How to create a dating action plan
*Tools to date consciously & choose the one for you
NOTE: Materials Fee $5.
Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman wrote "Dating From The Inside-Out: Using The Law of Attraction in Matters of the Heart," published by Atria Books in February 2008. Dr. Sherman is also the director of My Dating School ( which offers classes in dating issues & coaching, hosts an online singles community, and offers a free monthly dating e-zine. She is a dating expert on television and radio, a licensed psychologist, a certified coach, and an ordained minister, able to marry the singles that she coaches in most states. Her mission is to inspire and enlighten transformative relationships.
Course 969GNY , Location: Manhattan
*Monday, March 31, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Monday, April 28, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Monday, May 12, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
US $ 49.99 / $ 44.99 Members
(SAVE AN EXTRA $10.00 by using promo code JayR08)
Register by calling the Learning Annex at (212) 371-0280, Mon-Fri 9-5. Make sure to use promo code JayR08 to get your extra savings.
*AFTER YOU REGISTER, IMMEDIATELY EMAIL JAY at and I will send you a bonus gift certificate.
UpDating: How to Date Out of Your League with Matt Titus
New York Classes: Course 922ANY
In this unique course, Manhattan's premier dating coach Matt Titus will give you rock-solid tips for meeting and capturing a man or woman you thought you could never get.
Men, do you want to date an extremely beautiful woman? Matt teaches you why appearing to like her at first can knock you out of the running.
Women, do you yearn for a wealthy or high-class mate? Master all their habits! You'll see why a TV or carpeting in your living room can disqualify you. In fact, you'll take the "How Classy is Your Home?" quiz to see where your dwelling stands on the totem pole.
Or do you long for a loving, faithful man or woman with high principles? Perhaps someone creative, interesting, and maybe famous?!
These types of people don't respond to the same old flirtation techniques. You'll learn what works and what doesn't with extraordinary people. Best of all, you'll learn to make the superior qualities a part of your own life. That's the added benefit of UpDating!
Matt Titus is the premiere Manhattan relationship expert and dating coach and the the founder of Matt's Little Black Book, a Manhattan matchmaking agency that caters exclusively to the city's single, successful, and selective women. He also recently launched the successful dating and relationship advice website Text in the Matt has appeared on E!, CW11, The Style Network, Fox 5 News, WGNTV, and The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, and is regularly featured in Life & Style magazine as the publication's "Love Doctor."
Course 922ANY , Location: Manhattan
*Wednesday, March 12, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Monday, April 7, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Tuesday, May 13, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
US $ 44.99 / $ 39.99 Members
(SAVE AN EXTRA $10.00 by using promo code JayR08)
Register by calling the Learning Annex at (212) 371-0280, Mon-Fri 9-5. Make sure to use promo code JayR08 to get your extra savings.
*AFTER YOU REGISTER, IMMEDIATELY EMAIL JAY at and I will send you a bonus gift certificate
Sunday, March 02, 2008
How to Meet Women You Want - Anytime and Anywhere! with Art Malov
For MEN Only
New York Classes: Course 986ENY
The next beautiful woman you see could be your next date!
Have you ever seen a beautiful woman on your way to work, but didn't know how to approach her or even if you should? Or maybe you've seen a "great catch" at a party, but let the opportunity to strike up a conversation slip by. You don't have to wait for the "perfect time" or the "right situation" to meet someone new.
Dating coach and author Art Malov will show you how to meet more women, no matter what you're doing or what time of day it is. This class will reveal Art's proven techniques for getting a girl's attention and keeping it!
You'll learn:
*How to break the ice without rejection
*Five sure-fire ways to approach a woman on your way to work
*Dating "common sense" that will change your dating life
*The different strategies between meeting women at night versus during the day
*How to make meeting women fun
Art Malov has been a dating coach to men for many years and has written much on the art of meeting and dating, including his book "Park Bench Dating." He has appeared on the television show Love Around the World and in numerous publications, including the New York Times.
Course 986ENY, Location: Manhattan
*Monday, March 10, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Monday, April 14, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Monday, May 05, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
US $ 44.99 / $ 39.99 Members
(SAVE AN EXTRA $10.00 by using promo code JayR08)
Register by calling the Learning Annex at (212) 371-0280, Mon-Fri 9-5. Make sure to use promo code JayR08 to get your extra savings.
*AFTER YOU REGISTER, IMMEDIATELY EMAIL JAY at and I will send you a bonus gift certificate
Get Him to Call You Back And Other Inside Tips
Get Him to Call You Back And Other Inside Tips from NYC’s Dating Experts with Matt Titus and Tamsen Fadal
For Women Only
Have you ever been out on what you thought was a great date, but then never heard from the guy again? Or maybe you've been in a situation where your relationship suddenly cooled just when you thought it was starting to heat up. What's going on?
In this no holds barred evening, NYC dating experts and master matchmakers Matt Titus and Tamsen Fadal will share with you what guys really think about dating, what turns them off, and what leaves them wanting for more. You'll also learn:
*What guys really see when they look at you
*What they're thinking on a first date
*Where to go to find the "good guys"
*How to get him to call after the first date
*How to know if he's worth your time
Matt Titus and Tamsen Fadal are the stars of the Lifetime series Matched In Manhattan, and founders of the New York-based dating service Matt's Little Black Book, which has successfully matched up more than 2000 satisfied men and women. Together, they are the co-authors of the new book, "Why Hasn't He Called?" - a he-said she-said look at today's most frequently asked questions about love, dating, and relationships.
Course 922BNY-Location: Manhattan
*Thursday, February 28, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Tuesday, March 25, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Wednesday, April 30, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
*Monday, May 19, 2008 from 06:45 PM to 09:30 PM
For Women Only
US $ 54.99 / $ 49.99 Members
(SAVE AN EXTRA $10.00 by using promo code JayR08)
Register by calling the Learning Annex at (212) 371-0280, Mon-Fri 9-5. Make sure to use promo code JayR08 to get your extra savings.
*AFTER YOU REGISTER, IMMEDIATELY EMAIL JAY at and I will send you a bonus gift certificate.
March 2008 Romance Horoscopes
From Vanessa Calderon
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Venus, the goddess of love, will cross from your social, friendly and group-oriented sector into your personal, subconscious, and secretive sector this month, Aries. This means that the mood changes drastically for you just before the middle of the month. You will be dealing with your home life and family values, as well as any hidden information that your friends and lovers have been keeping under wraps. You will have to evaluate your deepest feelings about those who are closest to you, as well as decide how far you are willing to go to accept the darker qualities that exist in the people you love. You can pull the truth out of anyone now, and you might come across some unexpected skeletons in other people’s closets. Just remember that your skeletons are all going to be fair game for others to find out about as well.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
You become more sentimental this month, Taurus. You have the urge to move forward and take control of issues that face your loved ones. Your hard work in your relationships pays off around the middle of the month and people around you begin to return the extra attention you have been giving them. Make an effort to get out and socialize in the second half of the month, when the energy is ripe for you to find like-minded people for you to share thoughts and projects with. Love doesn’t only come in the form of romantic partners. Love takes flight while you immerse yourself altruistic pursuits as well.
GEMINI (May21-June21)
Interesting partners and acquaintances pop up in places where real estate and education meet. That sounds fairly specific, but if you wanted to learn more about the housing market, real estate finance, or any related fields, go for it. Keep your eyes open for potential partners places where you can discuss your work and your chosen profession in the second half of the month. People who have similar career interests and responsibilities are great prospects for long-term relationships, including those you may meet while on a job hunt. Long term changes will take place in your living situation over the next few years so you might want to delve into acquiring the knowledge to decorate, repair and enhance the value of your living quarters. Venus, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are likely to etch some ties you make while pursuing these interests in stone.
CANCER (June 22-July 23)
Feeling frisky this month, Cancer? Maybe that spring fever is hitting you a little harder than other signs. Mars is giving you an energy boost and Venus begins the month in a place where your sensuality takes center stage. Jupiter is likely to bring you luck all year long in partnerships, even ones that change and evolve. Remember that luck doesn’t only mean receiving, luck also means shedding the old for a great new model you never even saw coming. You will be feeling idealistic about relationships in the second half of the month. Reach for the stars now, and don’t let anyone tell you that you are expecting too much. You can ask for what you deserve, including a little more attention from the people you love.
LEO (July 23- Aug 22)
The stars say that this month, your partners may make things out to be all about them. We know that you need some coddling too, Leo, and you are more likely to get the attention you want if you play hard to get. You can do this while casually peeking over your shoulder with that cute little sly grin on your face, knowing that the temperature will heat up later in the month as Mercury and Venus cuddle up in a nice, warm place. Take care not to get into a battle of the wills with a partner in the second half of the month. Steamier temperatures on the passion scale could also ignite a temper or two, especially when discussing serious relationship issues. Certain subjects that you might want to avoid discussing could result in a few cats getting out of their bags. Think before you speak if there is information you would rather keep to yourself. Don’t say or admit anything you would regret revealing later.
VIRGO (Aug 23- Sept 22)
Virgo is the perpetual helper of the zodiac. You want to help so much, in fact, that you have a reputation for doing too much for other people. Take note that March will bring you plenty of opportunities to go out of your way to help people, and that is the way you like it. If you can remember that you cannot control other people’s decisions just because you have done a lot for them, then you should be ok. There is a real possibility in the second half of this month that you will have googley eyes for someone you are supposed to be helping. People you have done favors for might end up being more than just casual acquaintances. You will benefit from keeping in contact with these people but remember that it might not be a good idea to take things a step further and blur the lines between professionalism, friendliness, and romance.
LIBRA (Sept 23- Oct 23)
Love will take on an air of detachment and respect this month. You are usually very romantic and even mushy at times, but March may bring circumstances wherein you are all business and are faced with serious or technical decisions regarding loved ones. You will do more for people based on their well being, than based on your own emotions. This is definitely a side of Libra that doesn’t get acknowledged often: the side of you that is detail oriented as opposed to romantic and flowery. You will get just as much love in return, though, for being up to date on the mundane needs of those around you as you would for providing candlelight and roses, so go with the current flow of mental energy. Be a great example of someone who can care for all of the needs of others, not just the ones that require your softer, congenial side. Negotiations go your way more easily this month.
SCORPIO (Oct 24- Nov 21)
March begins with Venus giving you a little challenge in the romance department. You might be feeling fenced in until the second week of the month when you get a burst of emotional energy from the water signs. You swim well in this energy. It falls in a place in your chart where romance abounds, and touches on a desire to spread your winds and fly. You might be drawn to unusual and eccentric people all month, which tingles your senses. This is marvelous for you because you are arguably the most sensual sign in the zodiac, hands down. Just don’t be disappointed if at first your muse plays hard to get. He or she will come around respond to your charms more readily in the second half of the month than in the first.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22- Dec 21)
Partners of many kinds have the potential to force issues dealing with money this month, Sag. All will not be nice and rosy until any financial paperwork or deals are approved and mutually agreed upon. Furthermore, any joint finances or shared resources, including but not limited to cars and real estate demand your attention. Not the most fun time of 2008 for you, but if you are willing to be creative and think outside of the box, you can work with your loved ones to maneuver bits and pieces here and there so that everyone comes out of this happier and satisfied. Lots of loose ends in relationships can be tied up this month. The first part of the month is better for dealing with the technical issues in relationships, and the second half is better for working out your emotional issues with other people.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan 19)
You have a powerful energy boost in the sectors of your birth chart that deal with your own self worth, and the opinions and actions of your partners. This is how the months begins and ends. Don’t be surprised if anyone you have a close relationship with challenges you to go deeper, or to toughen up. You may be asked to you-know-what or get off the pot, or you may be asking someone else to do the same thing. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room here, so be cautious about how you respond to perceived slights. Words that are spoken now can actually cement, or destroy, any relationship. On the more positive end of things, you have the potential to become absorbed in a partnership in a very deep way. You can also have a love at first sight experience. Enjoy it but make sure to confirm that it’s love, not lust.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20- Feb 20)
March begins with Venus in your sign and that makes you happy not just because it enhances your appearance, but because it also means that the general romantic energy that is swirling around is one you can relate to. Communicating your feelings is easy until the second week of the month when Venus and Mercury ask you to get a bit more serious about emotional ties. More introspection is needed as to how you value material things, but more importantly, the value you place on your loved ones. Joint financial resources will most likely be lucrative for you, but in a trickle-down sort of way. It seems as if there are lots of rewards coming to you for your hard work both in terms of money and in personal relationships, and they will. They just won’t all come at one time. It is better to get what you truly need in consistent drips and drabs, then to have the whole sky open up and dump it all on you at once.
PISCES (Feb 21- March 20)
March begins with you having the opportunity to associate with some interesting groups of people. People are looking to broaden their horizons and you are being asked to loosen up and have more fun. Not all changes have to be sad ones, and not all endings are really endings but the beginnings of new adventures. Someone like you who is of an emotional nature may take longer to see it that way, but once you do, you’ll be happy with the results of the sudden eruptions around you. Relationship challenges that you may encounter in the middle of the month probably stem from ideological differences and that is what makes them interesting. On the flip side, an infusion of passionate emotional energy is just what your relationships need now and you’ll get those waves from the middle of the month right through the end. March definitely won’t be boring.
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