I was talking to a female friend recently who seemed pretty upset. I had already got stuck in the "friend zone" with her, so she felt comfortable enough tell me how much she liked this guy, thought about him all the time, yada yada yada, but recently found out he was married and had a child. He told her that he was planning on getting a divorce and that he liked her a lot and wanted to continue seeing her.
Any advice for my friend? Let her know in the blog.
Tell your friend to go far, far away from this guy. As a former cheater myself... this guy will NEVER leave his wife for her. He is just using her for what he can get and that's it. Although, in my case, I would have left my wife as I was very unhappy. That is not always the case and more often than not, the man will almost always stay with his wife. Because of the expense and time of divorce, most men do not want to face that.
Run like hell and never look back. Even if he leaves his wife for her, he has been dishonest about the relationship. If he lied about that, he'll lie about other things. If he cheated on his wife, he'll cheat on her, in time. She deserves better.
Tell he to run as fast as she can. Until the papers are signed he is married. If he were an up-standing guy, he would have been honest in the first place. Thsi man is a liar and a cheat. Chances are he is only giving her a line to suck her in. I have many firends who have been in this kind of situation. Tell her to find someone who is available and who won't base a new relationship on a lie
R U N !!!
Three thoughts come to mind :
1) If he lied to you, and we already know that he's cheating on his wife, that means he would cheat on you and lie to the next woman he would meet as well.
2) He is never going to change. Probably why his marriage is in trouble. The chances are that his wife is a good woman, just like you, and doesn't deserve his S--T.
3) You should go out with a nice, normal, funny, intelligent man.
I agree with all of the others. Your friend needs to stop holding on to this man. She has everything to lose. He will probably never leave his wife and child. And she will never get a chance to have her own life with a true partner. Even if he does leave his wife, does she really want to be known as the "other woman" who broke up a man's family?
Tell your friend to run, run away for this guy!! He's a liar and a cheat!! If she thinks she's upset now, there is a lot more pain in store if she pursues that relationship.
NOTHING good can come out of this! She should run like mad. She is on the road to heartache if she continues seeing this man. Also, let's say this man does eventually get a divorce. He cannot be trusted because if he cheated on his now wife, what makes her think he will never cheat on her? HE'S NOT WORTH IT
Speaking as a man who was in a miserable marriage until 10 years ago, RUN. My marriage was terrible, nobody would have blamed me for cheating. I was holding a pretty woman in my arms who wanted me. I looked into her innocent face and said to myself, I cannot do this to her. I told her my situation, she wanted me anyway. I still said no, because I knew that for her it would not be just a one-night stand - she had made it clear that she really cared for me. I said no. It took me a number of years to get a divorce, but I never regretted my decision. A good man would not cheat. Even if he hates his wife and feels no obligation to her, he wouldn't want to hurt an innocent woman. It is that simple.
While I agree with all of the others here, she should also ask herself why she would want to invest her emotions in a relationship that's obviously going nowhere any time soon. Is she not dealing with her own lack of esteem or self-confidence in being able to win the affection of an honest available man that she is not dealing with, or is there some deeper reason she is trying to win the affections of someone who is unable to freely give them?
Do not pass "GO", do not collect $200. Dump him...immediately.
I agree with all of the above. I want to add.... how could anyone be with a married man? Doesn't this girl have any self respect? Think about the wife. They are in a marriage whether it is good or bad. Noone has a right to get involved. If your (friend) knows he's married and ever sees him again she deserves what she will get.
I have been cheated on and I can tell you it is hell beyond compare. Run now. You will be hurting someone with more pain than you know. A cheater stays a cheater and the person he is married to is going to be destroyed. NEVER be a part of that!
PS Just take a look at the devastated face of Spitzer's wife and you will know what I mean. I weep for her.
Redundant...yes...but still feel the need to say....RUN!!!!! and don't ever look back! If you think you're situation is different consider this...You can be the next wife who's found out her husband was not faithful. Remember, you can't ever get back the time you throw away on this low life, selfish, piece of garbage.
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