Your Romance and Partnership Horoscopes for December 2007 And Your Keys For The New Year
by Vanessa Calderon
To read Vanessa's article about Astrology readings, visit Astrology and Relationships
(March 21 – April 19)
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Hey Aries, Venus is in Scorpio for the duration of December. Usually Aries and Scorpio are touted as being a combustible combination, a combination of signs that rarely get along. Not true. You and Scorpio have a silent understanding. You both possess an inner passion that surpasses that of any of the other signs. The goddess of love is going to heighten your senses – all of them – especially during the first week of the month. From the middle to the end of the month, a combination of Mars, Jupiter and Pluto will activate both the areas of your life where you hide away from the world, and the sector of your public persona. By the end of the month, you’ll be in demand with the public, and you will also be one hot tomale inside where it is warm and toasty. No combination could be better for bringing in the New Year. If this combination of planets takes on a serious tone for you, it will be involving potential conflicts between your image at work/in the outside world, and your life and personality at home. It could become intense, so do some deep breathing and balance things wisely.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: This time last year, your financial situation may have been something totally different than what it has become. On January 1st, your New Year’s outlook reveals the need to tie up loose purse strings and make a new financial strategy. In love, you should open yourself up to new experiences altogether, or at the very least, take an entirely new and different approach regarding a current or past romantic partner.
The key is to retreat and take care of yourself first, and you’ll attract a whole new type of love.
(April 20-May 20)
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Take another good look out into that crowd. Do you see someone you want to get to know? You should. Your mirror/partnership house holds the Goddess of love for the entire month of December. Mars is tricky though, so you may miss something the first time. This also goes for communications between you and your inner circle. Take time to hear what they are really saying to you. Staying close to home when you go out to socialize may seem very tempting, as you are also feeling the effects of a backward Mars in your zone of movement. Do not stay too close to home out of shyness, however, because it would be a shame to waste that Venus energy.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: A new opportunity to study and experience something foreign, and possibly something that is a little taboo, makes its way into your world in 2008 (if it already hasn’t!). You might even feel a pull toward changing your personal philosophies on subjects pertaining to religion, sex, and money. There is nothing wrong with learning. In fact you will do a lot of learning about these subjects in 2008, either through experiences or books. The key is open-mindedness. Open yourself up to exploration and flex your intellect.
(May 21 – June-21)
GEMINI (May21-June21)
You are going to love giving this month, Gemini – that’s right, giving – and you have the power to heal someone in some way, by your kindness and generosity. Every extra effort you make this month will be noticed and appreciated, especially by someone who is having a hard time. You might not even know what a difference you have made in his or her life just by being thoughtful. Rest assured: It will be returned. Mars will see to that. Pass some of your extraordinary energy around. You have a chance from the middle of the month on to meet someone whose chemistry is so interlocked with yours that you could be walking into walls (so to speak) by year’s end. So it is no surprise to hear what your key in 2008 will be…
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Partnerships that are deep and long lasting. You have ample opportunity in 2008 to cement ties with people that will last a lifetime. The energy started to appear in November, actually, and remains a signature for you. The key is self-reflection. Deal with every person you meet as if they are here to reflect your own strengths back to you. You will be meeting people who are your mirror image in some way, all year long.
(June 22 – July 23)
CANCER (June 22-July 23)
Progress has been made lately in some areas of your life, but you may feel as if some of that progress is being undone. If you or your partners are reverting back to old habits and old ways, don’t take it to heart. You have Venus moving into your sector of romance and creativity this month, so she should be able to help direct some loving energy in the right direction. Trust that setbacks in your relationships with yourself and others are only temporary and above all do not be hard on yourself! You have been entrusted with the often impossible task of caring for people, more so than any other sign in the zodiac. You are really to be commended for all of your efforts in 2007.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Second chances. Your partnership point in your New Year’s chart has been inundated with heavy energy from Pluto and Jupiter. They are dancing over your self-esteem in the area of relationships with all kinds of people. And guess what? They are whipping up a plan for improvements in that area of your life. Stay positive, accept the sweeping changes that occur involving the people in your life, and experience that there are really such things as second chances.
(July 23 – August 22)
LEO (July 23- Aug 22)
Write down your dreams this month, Leo, because they will bring you some very true (and maybe some startling) pieces of information regarding what you want out of lovers, why you want what you want from them, and what purpose these people are actually serving in your life. Actually, you might want to start and dream journal and continue to use it since lots of creative ideas will be pulsing around your brain. You wouldn’t want to miss out on what you can achieve by listening to your own inner voice. The very last week of the month is all about your heart growing fonder, and you may not have to look much farther than right in front of you to know who the most special person in your life is.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: People who pull you in new directions. You will be moving away from old patterns in relationships. Any areas of false dependency will be replaced by a new sense of independence and a true sense of balanced give and take. This should be your mantra for the New Year: “I completely and only take on loving, creative and fair relationships wherein both parties are treated justly.” I know how Leos are, and I am warning you: don’t fight the forward movement. Go with the flow – stubbornness is futile in the hands of the planet Pluto! And since I also know how that the fabled “Leo vanity problem” is mostly just a façade, the key is going to be that you use some of that selfless love you have inside of you on yourself, not just on others. Happy New Year.
(August 23 – Sept 22)
VIRGO (Aug 23- Sept 22)
The month of December is best spent participating in group events right in your own neighborhood, Virgo. That is where you will find a beautiful Venus – Mars combination in water signs lighting up your horoscope. Virgos appreciate beauty in the same way that Scorpios do, on a sensual level. Cancereans and Virgos are capable of feeling under toe of emotion that pulls them to want to serve and help other people. Both of those energies are heightened this month for you. And then, be sure that you mean what you say and say what you mean in the second half of the month when communications between you and your romantic interests (and in any situation that concerns children, as well), have the power to become cemented in stone. In other words, you can’t take it back.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Surprises in relationships. This theme started last month and is going to continue through 2008. Finding out things you never knew or suspected about your partners is bound to happen. You have the dubious distinction of having Saturn in your sign. Fortunately, this planet is lucky for you in the romance sector IF you are able to let go and let Uranus shake up your world. Your key is to accept change as the natural path to perfection, be honest with yourself about what perfection is, and don’t hold onto the imperfect out of fear.
(Sept 23 - October 23)
LIBRA (Sept 23- Oct 23)
Luck comes at you through professional and work partners this month, Libra. These people see you shine. It is ok to let your feelings be known to the outside world for the first half of this month because your emotions will be worn on your sleeve. Your secrets are safe with the ones you love. If you are looking for a mentor, or even just a new and exciting person that you can learn from, look to someone who knows how to make money from home. Keep your sense of humor at the end of the month when communications between you and your parents, or you and the person you share children with, are highlighted. Perceived conflicts are resolved quickly.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Flexibility is the theme for next year. You need to remain open minded in general, and be open to new ideas concerning relationships. The people who you thought you would likely be attracted to are not necessarily the types you will be looking at in the coming year, even though you will feel nostalgia for the way things used to be. It is all about moving forward without giving up everything you treasure from the past. The transition from the old you to the new you should be quite effortless, and enjoyable. Your key is to remember that when you evolve to the next level, you take everything you have learned with you.
(October 24 – Nov 21)
SCORPIO (Oct 24- Nov 21)
Venus, the goddess of love, will be in your sign all month and will make a fluid angle to planets which cause you to have, “lightning bolt” moments of intuition even more precise the ones you normally have. Quick decision-making is your forte this month in matters of the heart and you will surprise yourself with the philosophical wisdom you possess. The insights that you gain about your usual approach to love and partnerships may change the course of your search for fulfillment in relationships in general. Toward the end of the month, you will reevaluate all of the new ideas you are mulling over, and you will find at least one that you will become permanent. The middle of the month is a good time to plan a trip to a place you have never visited before.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Equally intense feelings in more than one direction, or for more than one person. You are going to be able to focus your attention and affections on more than one person, place or thing at a time in 2008. You, more than any other sign, have both the fluidity and the dedication to make a parallel existence work. You can move like a Gemini when you want to, and you have the staying power of a Taurus as well. The keys are honesty and good judgment. Don’t take on more than you can handle, and be sure to use this power to do good in your world.
(Nov 22 – Dec 21)
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22- Dec 21)
It is a little crowded in your sign for most of December. If your decision-making ability seems to have taken a hiatus and confusion reigns, (especially when it comes to money, and your sex life), then try to ride it out until the end of the month. The intensity level does not drop but some of your choices become more concrete. There is a very strong burst of energy in your sign this month that may or may not be all flowers and joy, depending on your circumstances. It would be wise to refrain from making any rash decisions or assumptions until after the 25th, especially where your closest allies and your partners are concerned. Many communications will be brutally honest and lots can get lost in translation. If people seem to be hiding something from you it is better off that you wait till the smoke and mirrors clear before you make accusations, or get upset. On a more positive note, your creativity and your power to make your mark on the world will be at its peak this month. Make the most of the opportunities for personal growth that will come your way.
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: A welcome release. If you feel that you have been tumbling in a washing machine over the past few years, (or longer), then get ready for a flick of the off switch in 2008. Or at least you’ll be reset on a more gentle cycle. The past several years have not been light and airy for Sagittarians (nor for people with Sagittarius rising or for people with major planets in your sign. In other words, Pluto has had his way with many people who have both strong and subtle Sagittarian connections in their birth charts). Pluto is slowly creeping out of your sign. Perhaps in 2008, you’ll be able to take that long, cleansing breath you have been longing for. Besides, you begin 2008 with Venus entering your sign. For you, there is no better place for the goddess of love to be.
(Dec 22 – January 19 )
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan 19)
Going over and over current romantic dilemmas is not going to make you any calmer or relaxed, but it certainly might bring up some long-repressed memories and issues that have kept you from moving forward with your love life. Venus moves into a place where you can certainly use the action. It is a fun place where you will have opportunities to meet attractive people within groups and in social environments. However, don’t let lingering questions about someone’s loyalty hold you back. Believe it or not you already have enough information and enough to go on in order to make your leap to the next level in your life. And what a leap it is going to be!
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Let go of your fears and have faith that you will make the right decisions. You are the next place where Pluto is going to set up shop and his sojourn in your sign begins in 2008. For humanity, he will crash down the walls of limiting beliefs that we have all built up around us. For you personally he will do the same thing, but he will also give you tremendous courage with each brave step forward. Capricorns have some of the most penetrating minds in the zodiac. So much so, that you drive yourselves crazy thinking all the time. Just learn to let that all go. Seek a calmer set of relationships with people who have earned how to transcend melodrama. They will be able to help you handle anything you choose to do battle with over the next several years. If you remain totally honest with yourself at all times, the people with whom you bond yourself to over the next several years will be with you indefinitely.
(Jan 20 – Feb 18)
AQUARIUS (Jan 20- Feb 20)
Prepare to meet a person you can work with, and have a romantic connection with, Aquarius. It is Venus on your destiny point which will not only manifest for you, but will also make you oh-so-delectable to the public this month. Get out and flaunt it. Your personal magnetism and the intense sensual energy that you are giving off will peak around the third week of the month. Don’t get too many stars in your eyes and you won’t walk into any walls. You’ll likely have some very romantic and, um, sexy dreams in December (both while awake and asleep).
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Friends who make you feel good. You are advised to take advantage of the people who are about to walk into your life in 2008. You begin the year with Mars briefly revisiting your romantic place, and with Venus entering the place where your friends reside. These are two wonderful places where connections are made between you and like-minded people. Don’t settle for anything less than bonding with people who share your unique visions. Mercury and Neptune are lining up to give you plenty of those unique visions this coming year, and it will take these special people to help you sort everything out.
(Feb 19 – March 20)
PISCES (Feb 21- March 20)
Looking for a career change? Then this is the month to go for it. Looking for a change in your romantic life? Then wait till January. You’re likely to remain right where you are relationship wise this month, but that will definitely be to your advantage as important issues get hashed out among partners who have their own sordid business to attend to. Have you ever met someone who you thought was nice, (because you think everyone is nice, anyways), and come to find out they weren’t all you thought they were? You might run into a few of those this month. Don’t fret, just enjoy the eggnog and let them reap their karma. And don’t you dare try to save them. It is really fun to watch someone walk into a tree sometimes, honest! (You always come out smelling like the sweetest rose in the bunch anyhow).
YOUR KEYS FOR 2008: Really putting what you have learned over the last few years to use. It is likely that you have had a little bit of an education in using your mind to sort out the impressions that your feeling nature is in charge of soaking in (in other words, you may have had some practice in using common sense to judge the world around you instead of always kindly getting kicked around). Now you are ready for the next step and will get the opportunity to share your knowledge with others. Peers who have had issues with emotional turmoil will seek out your advice. Career develops new meaning to you and you will attract a lot of positive attention when you go out and allow the world to hear how intelligent and funny you are.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Truths Women should know
Based on the program from Jim and Judy
Dating isn’t a breeze. A vicious tornado is more like it. So, here’s some wisdom from top-notch experts. A few love truths every woman must know.
Truth #1:If he doesn’t call you in a week, he’s not interested. According to Dr. Judith Sherven, a clinical psychologist in New York, when a guy lets a week pass before contacting you, it’s his way of forcing “casualness” in the relationship. It’s an unspoken signal that he doesn’t want to pursue you seriously – either because the timing was off or he just didn’t click with you.
Truth #2:By date three, you might reject him. That’s the word from Dr. James Sneechowski, co-author of the book “Be Loved For Who You Really Are”. He says at this point, you start noticing flaws, but getting nitpicky is a sign you’re considering this guy as a possible partner. You start kicking the tires like you would a car because it’s a huge investment. So don’t run the other way when he starts falling from grace. Understand that this is totally normal, and get to know him well before you make any big decisions.
Truth #3:Don’t get stuck thinking that you only have ONE soul mate. According to Dr. Sneechowski, defining what you want EXACTLY in a partner is impractical. It keeps you from getting serious with different guys because you’re holding out for THE ONE. The doctor says soul mates aren’t hatched. They grow. You make a connection, build a relationship and then realize this is the person with whom you were meant to be.
So throw away that list of requirements and give the not-so-perfect guys a chance.
Get the program from Jim and Judy
Dating isn’t a breeze. A vicious tornado is more like it. So, here’s some wisdom from top-notch experts. A few love truths every woman must know.
Truth #1:If he doesn’t call you in a week, he’s not interested. According to Dr. Judith Sherven, a clinical psychologist in New York, when a guy lets a week pass before contacting you, it’s his way of forcing “casualness” in the relationship. It’s an unspoken signal that he doesn’t want to pursue you seriously – either because the timing was off or he just didn’t click with you.
Truth #2:By date three, you might reject him. That’s the word from Dr. James Sneechowski, co-author of the book “Be Loved For Who You Really Are”. He says at this point, you start noticing flaws, but getting nitpicky is a sign you’re considering this guy as a possible partner. You start kicking the tires like you would a car because it’s a huge investment. So don’t run the other way when he starts falling from grace. Understand that this is totally normal, and get to know him well before you make any big decisions.
Truth #3:Don’t get stuck thinking that you only have ONE soul mate. According to Dr. Sneechowski, defining what you want EXACTLY in a partner is impractical. It keeps you from getting serious with different guys because you’re holding out for THE ONE. The doctor says soul mates aren’t hatched. They grow. You make a connection, build a relationship and then realize this is the person with whom you were meant to be.
So throw away that list of requirements and give the not-so-perfect guys a chance.
Get the program from Jim and Judy
Men vs. Women-Funny Part 2

Men vs. Women
Women: A woman makes a list of things she needs, then goes out to the store and buys those things.
Men: A man waits till the only items left in his fridge are half a lime and a beer. Then he goes grocery shopping. He buys everything that looks good. By the time a man reaches the checkout counter, his cart is packed tighter than the Clampett's car on Beverly Hillbillies. Of course, this will not stop him from going to the express lane.
Women: They mature much faster than men. Most 17-year old females can function as adults.
Men: Most 17-year old males are still trading baseball cards and giving each other wedgies after gym class. This is why high school romances rarely work out.
Women: When preparing for work, a woman will put on a wool suit, then slip on Reebok sneakers. She will carry her dress shoes in a plastic bag from Saks. When a woman gets to work, she will put on her dress shoes. Five minutes later, she will kick them off because her feet are under the desk.
Men: A man will wear the same pair of shoes all day. Let's not talk about how many days he'll wear the same socks.
Women: A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and soccer games and romances and best friends and favorite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams.
Men: A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
Women: Women do laundry every couple of days.
Men: A man will wear every article of clothing he owns, including his surgical pants (the ones that were hip about eight years ago) before he will do his laundry. When he is finally out of clothes, he will wear a dirty sweatshirt inside out, rent a U-Haul and take his mountain of clothes to the Laundromat. Men always expect to meet beautiful women at the Laundromat. This is a myth perpetuated by reruns of old episodes of "Love American Style."
Men: Men are vain and will check themselves out in a mirror.
Women: They are ridiculous; they will check out their reflections in any shiny surface: mirrors, spoons, store windows, bald guys' heads.
Richard Gere:
Women: Women like Richard Gere because he is sexy in a dangerous way.
Men: Men hate Richard Gere because he reminds them of that slick guy who works at the health club and dates only married women.
Locker Rooms:
Men: In the locker room men talk about three things: money, football, and women. They exaggerate about money, they don't know football nearly as well as they think they do, and they fabricate stories about women.
Women: They talk about one thing in the locker room - sex. And not in abstract terms, either. They are extremely graphic and technical, and they never lie.
Women: Women on a girls' night out talk the whole time.
Men: Men on a boy's night out say about twenty words all night, most of which are "Pass the Doritos" or "got any more beer?"
Online dating- 5 things to avoid

Posted Oct 10th 2007 1:30PM by Joshua Fruhlinger
This article came from AOL
Everyone's doing it - over 40 percent of U.S. singles are finding matches online. That's more than 40 million single Americans cruising the Internet looking for love (based on census results that say there are over 100 million single Americans).
So the Internet must be a great place to find true love, right? Not so fast. While online dating can be a great way to find someone new, dating sites are littered with scam artists, cheaters, and straight-up liars.
Now, this doesn't mean you should avoid online dating altogether -- just don't believe everything you see out there. In order to help sort out the winners from the losers, we've compiled a list of the top five types of online daters you should definitely avoid, along with some tips to help you save some heartache. Be careful out there, and good luck!
1. Liars
In a recent survey, it was found that most online profiles contain some sort of lie, whether it's the person's age or -- in some cases -- relationship status. White lies -- adding an inch to height or dropping a couple pounds -- are the most common and not a big deal to most people.
Consider these facts according to the April 2007 issue of Proceedings of Computer/Human Interaction:
About 52.6 percent of men lie about their height, as do 39 percent of women.
Slightly more women lie about their weight (64.1 percent) than men (60.5 percent).
When it comes to age, 24.3 percent men lie compared with 13.1 percent of women.
When it comes to misrepresenations of age or relationship status, be careful or you could get seriously burned. In one recent case, a woman met a man on a popular dating site with whom she immediately hit it off. She even put her life on hold to go with him to Dubai when he was transferred for work. Eleven months into the relationship, she came across an e-mail -- from his son! What's more, the e-mail said something about "Mom" saying hi. In one fell swoop, our poor girl found out the man she met online was not only a father -- he was married! She moved back to the United States and has given up on online dating since.
How to Avoid Them:
Ask questions. Though it may be listed on someone's profile, someone's age is fair game in the questions department, so feel free to ask your potential date how old (or young!) they are. You may find that 35 suddenly becomes 42. While you don't want to ask too many questions and scare the person away, it's perfectly fair to verify the big things: age, weight, height, and -- most of all -- whether or not that person is, in fact, single. Half the time, people lie on their profiles to get people interested -- nine times out of ten, someone will level with you about their stats once you show some real interest, since they know they might have a chance of meeting you in person.
2. Photo Fakes
Dating site traffic analyses show that profiles with pictures are clicked on twice as much as those without. Having a good picture of yourself can be the difference between getting seen and getting lost. However, some people take the notion of "looking good" a little too far. They post misleading pictures that can trap you into thinking you're meeting your dreamboat only to find a shipwreck waiting for you. Let's face it, not everyone looks as good as George Clooney or Angelina Jolie.
Joan, a woman from New Jersey, had thought she met Mr. Right. He was charming and -- according to the picture on his profile -- quite handsome. She looked forward to seeing his auburn hair and deep eyes when it turned out that Mr. Right had gone gray. He also hadn't seen a gym in years. Turns out that his profile picture was over five years old. While there's nothing wrong with gray hair or a couple extra pounds, people who misrepresent their looks aren't being honest.
How to avoid them:
Look for profiles with more than one picture. People who choose only flattering angles could be hiding something. Ask for a recent picture, and if the person refuses, you could be looking at that person's high school yearbook photo. And if someone looks as good as George Clooney or Angelina Jolie, you need to double-check that it's for real.
3. Fixer-Uppers
Most marriages end in divorce -- that's just a fact of life. But many people on the rebound make their profiles all about what they don't want. The truth is, these people are on the rebound and are likely to still be living with the wounds of their last relationship. You may be in for some serious scrutiny, criticism, and baggage-handling, so beware. Imagine, for example, what any of Sir Paul McCartney's new lovers must think as he talks about his past relationships!
Consider these recent profile headlines:
• Cheaters Need Not Apply
• Tired of Meeting Women in Bars
• No Manipulative B*thces, please!
• Please Don't Be A Liar
• Felons, potheads and jerks need not apply
What we have here are jilted lovers. Run. Run away. While it's a good idea to learn from your past relationships, no one wants to date a bitter, angry person. By telling people what you don't want, you're scaring off potential mates.
On the other side, if you're reading profiles, avoid these singles as they are either recently out of relationships or still getting over something pretty big. They're not ready, and you don't want to be their fixer-upper.
How to avoid them:
To steer clear of the fixer-upper at all costs, watch out for the aforementioned profile headlines. While you may hate the same things these rebounders do, you still shouldn't pursue a relationship with them. Having something in common can be great, but those things should be positive, not negative. As the old saying goes,"You must love yourself before you love another...."
4. Membership Fishers
You finally got a response to your profile, and she's hot! You're all set to respond to the beauty queen, but there's one problem: Her profile happens to be over at some other site.
Of course, before you can send her a note on her profile, you're asked by the new dating site she's listed with the to sign up. Before you know it, you're a member of a new dating site, and it has your credit card info, and, it turns out, your new love doesn't exist.
Dating sites make their money on membership dues, and with thousands of them competing for daters, they're in a vicious fight to get you to sign up. Some wily sites have taken to trolling single people from other sites, making them think that a new lovely wants to meet them... at a new site that requires signing up.
How to avoid them:
Make sure anyone you hear from is already signed up with the online dating site you're signed up with. If someone responds to your profile, it means they already have a profile at the site you are using. Don't fall for the "meet me over here" tactic. If they really like you, they'll come talk to you where you are.
5. Cheaters
How is it possible that this new, wonderful person is still single? In fact, he or she may not be. While there are some great singles out there waiting to steal your heart away, some of them are not, in fact, single. Surprise, surprise, it turns out that some people use dating sites as a way to get a little something on the side when they're out of town.
Consider this story about Jill, a 27-year-old Washington, DC, marketing executive, who met the "man of her dreams" online:
"Since he lived in a different city ‑- Roanoke, Virginia ‑- it was easy for him to sneak around." She told iVillage, "Although he made excuse after excuse about why he continually had to cancel a date at the last minute ‑- one time claiming he'd been in a car accident ‑- I got suspicious only after I knew everything." There had been numerous red flags. For instance, he only called from his cell phone while driving in his car. It turns out that Joe (not his real name) was talking to several women online. According to his wife, Jill was the only one he'd actually met and kissed.
How to avoid them:
Look out for people who can only talk to you during the day, will only talk online or via text message, or who mysteriously disappear at night and on weekends. Other warning signs include out-of-town lovers who happen to be in town a lot. And be especially cautious of people who live thousands of miles away, since you have no real way of verifying what's actually going on with them day-to-day. There's a good chance you could be on the back burner. Also, look out for people who list their status as "separated" -- they could be separated in mind, only.
How to Communicate with a Man

Here are some proven ways to get your point across – and get what you want. These tips come from Oprah’s “O” magazine.
The best way to tell a man you’re interested – without sounding desperate – is to use the word “maybe.” In other words, “Maybe we should get together,” or “Maybe we should get a cup of coffee.” Why? There’s enough “yes” in “maybe” to keep a man from feeling rejected and enough “no” to keep him challenged. Think of it as a dance. Give him an opening – and then let him take the lead. W. Bruce Cameron, author of How to Remodel a Man, says whether it’s a first date or your 30th anniversary, a man likes to think every move is his idea! I know it may sound old-fashioned or sexist, but that’s what his research found to be true.
When you’re having an argument, know this: No matter what you’re arguing about, guys want to be right. Cameron says it’s a weakness you can use against men and saying “You’re right” is the verbal equivalent of tranquilizing a rampaging elephant. It gives him what he wants, reduces tension, and paves the way for you to get what you want. For example, say you want to go to a party, but your boyfriend wants to skip it because he doesn’t know anybody, and hates feeling like an outsider.Try saying: “You’re right, but I still want to go to the party with you.” It’s a win-win situation. He gets to hear he’s right but you still get your point across about the party.
When you need something done, don’t make it an order. For example, if your shower won’t stop dripping, don’t say, “Fix the drip in the shower already!” – that’s an order. Instead, let him be in charge of solving the problem. Try saying: “The leak in the shower’s driving me crazy. What should we do?” His response will probably be, “I’ll take a look after dinner.” Bottom line: Men love to be in charge and show off their skills – but they don’t like being told what to do. If you’d like to go further, the book is: How to Remodel a Man by W. Bruce Cameron.
Older Women, Younger Men
Over the past few newsletters, we have revisited the issue of having an event for Older Women and Younger Men (Men 25-35 and Women 35-45) and the flip side of an event for Older Men and Younger Women (Men 35-45 and Women 25-35). The results are in:
A) Older Women, Younger Men: About 7 or 8 men and several women responded that they would be interested in an event for Women ages 35-45 and Men 25-35. The results warrant further research into such an event.
B) Older Men, Younger Women: About 57 men and 0 Women responded that they would be interested in an event for Women ages 25-35 and Men 35-45. Based on these results, this event will not take place.
Bottom Line: Although more men seem to be open to the idea of dating an older woman, the vast majority still want to date younger women.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following article was in the NY Post last Week
October 23, 2007 -- SOME call them sugar daddies. (Others just call them dirty old men.)
But scientists say older men who shack up with much younger women are actually the answer to longevity. Who knew?
According to a new study conducted by Shripad Tuljapurkar and Cedric Puleston of Stanford University, when men mate with women who are eight or more years younger, it increases the life span of both sexes over time.
Sound confusing? Here's the deal:
Scientifically speaking, once people can no longer reproduce, they cease to have a biological purpose. For women, the "wall of death" age, as evolutionary theorists so cheerfully call it, is about 50. But men - and here's where the testosterone kicks in - can reproduce into their late 70s, so long as they have good genes and, well, good equipment.
So, when an older man mates with a young woman, he's essentially postponing death. And his long-life genes - you know he's got them if he can have kids at that age - get passed on to his children.
"Men who have children at a late age help to make natural selection work to protect human survival, because they are passing on more genes. It's just the way we've evolved as humans," Puleston says.
So old men making babies may bolster human longevity in the long term - but what's the immediate excuse for the ancient-man-trophy-wife match? According to Dr. Mark Liponis, author of "UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You," young women can give a much-needed boost to their older partners' immune systems.
"Being close to someone makes your immune systems very alike," he says. "And an older man's worn-down, tired immune system will improve simply by being in contact with a younger person who is more energetic and healthier."
Still, a young wife offers more than mere health benefits.
"An older man/younger woman couple is the best kind, and more divorced men are choosing women 10 or 20 years younger the second time around, because they can," says R. Don Steele, author of "How To Date Young Women for Men Over 35."
"But it's important to keep in mind that it's beneficial to both the man and the women." Steele says that women want a wise, settled and rich man, while men want impressionable and youthful women - it's a two-way street.
"He offers security - and she boosts him up, improving his mood and blood pressure, helping him to live longer."
While some women may disagree with the anti-feminist tendencies of such a match, others might argue that it defines feminism.
"Women are choosing the men they want to marry - they aren't being selected," says Helen Fisher, an anthropologist and author of "Why We Love."
"When choosing an older man, she is getting someone who is settled, has a network and money and can take care of her. Plus, if she has children with him, her children will acquire some of the genes to his longevity."
Power Words in Dating
The way to a woman’s heart is through her ears! Meaning – what you say can have a huge impact on how a woman feels about you. So guys, here are some power words to use in common dating scenarios. These will help you woo the woman you have a crush on. We got this from several psychologists interviewed by Rodale publishing.
So let’s say you’re asking her out for the first time. You might typically say, “Want to go out to dinner on Friday night?” Instead say this: “Want to go out for Thai food Friday night?” What’s the big deal about mentioning Thai food? You’re creating an experience she can visualize. So unlike the standard “Wanna have dinner?” – you’re engaging her imagination and putting her in the moment. She’ll see you two sharing Pad Thai and be more apt to say ‘yes.’
Okay – so she said yes to dinner and now you’re at the restaurant and the entrees have arrived. You’d like to offer her a piece of your meal because it’s delicious – but also because her accepting a taste means psychologically that she’s accepting you in a way. So normally you’d say, “Want some pasta?” Instead say, “Want a taste of my pasta?” It works because words that describe actions or senses make the offer more appealing. So it’s not “Want a spoonful of my dessert?” It’s “Want a bite of my cheesecake?” You hear commercials use this type of “active” and “sensory” language all the time.
The date is over, it went well, and you want to secure date #2. In the past, you might have said, “Are you free next Saturday. There’s a concert in the park.” Instead, this time say, “I’d love to see you again. Maybe we could we try getting together next Saturday because I have tickets for a concert.” You may think that proposal sounds wimpy because you said “maybe we could try” but what those words do is give the woman a chance to say ‘yes’ without feeling pressured. Saying “because” – as in “because I have tickets” is the magic word. According to psychologists, people agree 66% percent more often when they hear a phrase with “because” in it. Why? Because people like hearing the reasoning behind the request.
Manhattan Singles events
Manhattan Single
The way to a woman’s heart is through her ears! Meaning – what you say can have a huge impact on how a woman feels about you. So guys, here are some power words to use in common dating scenarios. These will help you woo the woman you have a crush on. We got this from several psychologists interviewed by Rodale publishing.
So let’s say you’re asking her out for the first time. You might typically say, “Want to go out to dinner on Friday night?” Instead say this: “Want to go out for Thai food Friday night?” What’s the big deal about mentioning Thai food? You’re creating an experience she can visualize. So unlike the standard “Wanna have dinner?” – you’re engaging her imagination and putting her in the moment. She’ll see you two sharing Pad Thai and be more apt to say ‘yes.’
Okay – so she said yes to dinner and now you’re at the restaurant and the entrees have arrived. You’d like to offer her a piece of your meal because it’s delicious – but also because her accepting a taste means psychologically that she’s accepting you in a way. So normally you’d say, “Want some pasta?” Instead say, “Want a taste of my pasta?” It works because words that describe actions or senses make the offer more appealing. So it’s not “Want a spoonful of my dessert?” It’s “Want a bite of my cheesecake?” You hear commercials use this type of “active” and “sensory” language all the time.
The date is over, it went well, and you want to secure date #2. In the past, you might have said, “Are you free next Saturday. There’s a concert in the park.” Instead, this time say, “I’d love to see you again. Maybe we could we try getting together next Saturday because I have tickets for a concert.” You may think that proposal sounds wimpy because you said “maybe we could try” but what those words do is give the woman a chance to say ‘yes’ without feeling pressured. Saying “because” – as in “because I have tickets” is the magic word. According to psychologists, people agree 66% percent more often when they hear a phrase with “because” in it. Why? Because people like hearing the reasoning behind the request.
Manhattan Singles events
Manhattan Single
Friday, November 23, 2007
Singles Mingle at the Tree? Ice Skating
Would be interested in an informal mingle to see the Christmas Tree and Rockefeller Center and then go ice skating afterwards.
I am thinking of either a Sunday Afternoon on December 16th (not to worry football fans, since the Giants are on at 8 PM and the Jets are already out of it) or Saturday, December 22nd.
Are you interested and do you have a preferred date?
I am thinking of either a Sunday Afternoon on December 16th (not to worry football fans, since the Giants are on at 8 PM and the Jets are already out of it) or Saturday, December 22nd.
Are you interested and do you have a preferred date?
Rules of Attraction
New Rules of Attraction
Guys, when it comes to wooing a woman – avoiding the things that’ll scare her off is just as important as doing the things she likes! So here are some new rules of attraction from Rodale Publishing.
The first rule: Connect quickly! According to a study by MIT, first impressions, good or bad, are formed almost immediately. The best way to make a good impression is to find something in common right away – whether it’s your love of the Green Bay Packers or your dislike for sushi. Even though one is a negative, you’re still proving that you have something in common. The worst thing you can do when it comes to first impressions? Talk her head off. Women want three things from a first impression: Confidence, chemistry, and conversation. It’s not about a long conversation, it’s about a memorable one.
The next rule of attraction:Make your friends her friends too. So steer her over to your group and introduce her. It proves to a woman that you respect her – because you wouldn’t introduce a woman to your friends if you weren’t genuinely interested. When you do, say something like this: “Hey guys, I want you to meet Carrie. Her ears are still recovering from my karaoke.” Self-effacing humor shows you’re confident enough to laugh at yourself. The worst thing you can do: Back the woman into a corner by herself. That’ll make you seem possessive, scary and threatening.
One more rule of attraction: Compliment her on something specific and unique. According to Canadian researchers, women are most receptive to praise when it reveals one of their uncommon personality traits. So tailor your compliment to her by paying attention – try something like, “Wow, you’re a school teacher? You must be an amazingly patient person.” The worst thing you can do: Give her some cheesy compliment about the way she looks. Say, “I like your halter top” and you’ll remain just another dateless chump.
NYC Singles
NYC Single
Guys, when it comes to wooing a woman – avoiding the things that’ll scare her off is just as important as doing the things she likes! So here are some new rules of attraction from Rodale Publishing.
The first rule: Connect quickly! According to a study by MIT, first impressions, good or bad, are formed almost immediately. The best way to make a good impression is to find something in common right away – whether it’s your love of the Green Bay Packers or your dislike for sushi. Even though one is a negative, you’re still proving that you have something in common. The worst thing you can do when it comes to first impressions? Talk her head off. Women want three things from a first impression: Confidence, chemistry, and conversation. It’s not about a long conversation, it’s about a memorable one.
The next rule of attraction:Make your friends her friends too. So steer her over to your group and introduce her. It proves to a woman that you respect her – because you wouldn’t introduce a woman to your friends if you weren’t genuinely interested. When you do, say something like this: “Hey guys, I want you to meet Carrie. Her ears are still recovering from my karaoke.” Self-effacing humor shows you’re confident enough to laugh at yourself. The worst thing you can do: Back the woman into a corner by herself. That’ll make you seem possessive, scary and threatening.
One more rule of attraction: Compliment her on something specific and unique. According to Canadian researchers, women are most receptive to praise when it reveals one of their uncommon personality traits. So tailor your compliment to her by paying attention – try something like, “Wow, you’re a school teacher? You must be an amazingly patient person.” The worst thing you can do: Give her some cheesy compliment about the way she looks. Say, “I like your halter top” and you’ll remain just another dateless chump.
NYC Singles
NYC Single
How Men Drive Women Crazy
Guys, there are some things we do that drive women crazy
You may not want to hear about it, but "Netscape.Com's" relationship expert - Laura Snyder - wants you to know what they are. She says generally speaking, women are pretty happy with men. But there's always room for improvement. Are you guilty of any of these charges?
You have no manners. Without mentioning any specific bodily functions, you get the idea. While they're happy that you're so comfortable around them, women would prefer you to keep your private habits a little more private.
You can be a total slob. Women notice everything! Dirty fingernails, stains, holes in your clothes. Plus there's your dirty laundry all over the floor and the way you drink the milk out of the carton. Not a way to impress a lady.
You have selective hearing. You tune her out and only hear buzz words like “football” or “food.” Make sure you take the time to really listen to her.
You're not observant. Women want you to notice if they cut their hair or lose weight. They want you to notice if they're wearing something new, even if it seems like they're always wearing something new. And they especially want you to notice if they're acting funny even if they say “nothing's wrong”.
You treat her like your friends. You can get away with wisecracks, corny jokes, and macho behavior when you're out with the boys - but she wants to be treated a whole lot better than your friends. If you wouldn't want someone treating your Mom or your kid sister that way, don't do it to your girlfriend. So there you have it guys. The ladies have spoken.
NY Single
NYC Single
You may not want to hear about it, but "Netscape.Com's" relationship expert - Laura Snyder - wants you to know what they are. She says generally speaking, women are pretty happy with men. But there's always room for improvement. Are you guilty of any of these charges?
You have no manners. Without mentioning any specific bodily functions, you get the idea. While they're happy that you're so comfortable around them, women would prefer you to keep your private habits a little more private.
You can be a total slob. Women notice everything! Dirty fingernails, stains, holes in your clothes. Plus there's your dirty laundry all over the floor and the way you drink the milk out of the carton. Not a way to impress a lady.
You have selective hearing. You tune her out and only hear buzz words like “football” or “food.” Make sure you take the time to really listen to her.
You're not observant. Women want you to notice if they cut their hair or lose weight. They want you to notice if they're wearing something new, even if it seems like they're always wearing something new. And they especially want you to notice if they're acting funny even if they say “nothing's wrong”.
You treat her like your friends. You can get away with wisecracks, corny jokes, and macho behavior when you're out with the boys - but she wants to be treated a whole lot better than your friends. If you wouldn't want someone treating your Mom or your kid sister that way, don't do it to your girlfriend. So there you have it guys. The ladies have spoken.
NY Single
NYC Single
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