Singles co-ed Softball? Would you be interested in this proposed event? Your feedback will determine if it is worth pursuing. We would have 2 teams with 5 men and 5 women on a team. Teams would be put together based on similar age brackets. So for instance team one (5 men and 5 women between 30 and 40) would play against team two (5 men and 5 women between 41-50). Different weeks would have different age brackets playing each other.
I am in the process of pricing out insurance for this type of event and looking for permits in Nassau County that may still have availability. Would you attend this event? What day would you like it to take place? What time? Please share your comments here.
I would be interested in playing co-ed softball. Sunday or Monday nights would work best. Female, 41
I think the co-ed softball could be a lot of fun!!!
I would be interested in this event. What better way to meet someone than to kick up some dirt into his face sliding into second...lol, count me in.
Perhaps Saturday or Sunday afternoon would be a good time.
What a great idea! I'd be interested. (F - 41)
I would absolutely love to play co-ed softball... I'm not that good but maybe one of my new teamates could give me a few tips. Female, 30
My friends and I would be very interested in co-ed softball. It sounds like so much fun! We're females who are 33 to 37. Some of our guy friends would probably join in too.
Yes from yet another female. This would be a good idea if we could actually get men interested...
Weeknights (M-Th) would work best (though I'm not available on Mondays till my volleyball league ends in early May).
35 yo female
I'd be interested as long as it wasn't ultra-competitive and more of a relaxed, let's just have fun kind of atmosphere.
I like Sundays.
(Female -35)
Yes I too think this would be alot of fun. I think weekends may be better, early in day or late morning - weeknights a possibility but then would have to start after 7PM
great idea! Sunday evening/night probably best.
Great idea, weekend probably best in afternoon/evening.
This would be awesome, This way you can make some friends as well as possible matches, I'm looking for an age range of 25-35
How can someone NOT be interested in a way to meet a woman who says
"What better way to meet someone than to kick up some dirt into his face sliding into second..."
Looks like I am the first guy to respond so come on men, the woman want to play ball. (M-51)
Sounds like a great idea. Male, 36
I'm very interested in this event.
I wish more males were as eager as I am. Jay, you may have to entice them with some sort of promotion. Weekends are best but a Thursday eve. would also work.
I'm definately interested and so is a male friend of mine we're both 34
Great idea, sounds like fun.
I like athletic women.
Male 42
Singles coed softball is a great idea! I'd definality be interested and I am 32, Here's an idea maybe after the softball game we can BBQ and people can mingle and get to know each other.
I would be interested in playing. Male, 31
What's wrong with the men out there? I'm a 54 woman and I think having a co-ed softball tourney would be a hoot...and don't forget your western Suffolk people who, like me, might look forward to events like these in their neighborhood...what a fun way to spend a beautiful Spring and summer weekend....pllaaaay baalll!!!!
What's wrong with the men out there? I'm a 54 year old woman and I think it would be a hoot to have a co-ed softball tourney...and don't forget your western Suffolk people who, like me, would like to have events like these in their neighborhood. What better way to spend a beautiful Spring or Summer weekend...pllaaay baalll!!!
I would be interested in playing co-ed softball. Saturday or Sunday evenings would be good for me. It sounds like fun. This would be a great way to meet new friends. Female,30
OK, I might be into this, sounds like it could be a lot of fun. (M/41)... Weeknights would be better...I'm from Nassau County.
Yes Im 42, femal, played in high school and in my 20s, and would love to play 1st or short-center.
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